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Getting set up

To get started with WebOps, you'll need to:

  1. Set up your local environment to develop Drupal locally
  2. Familiarize yourself with our recommended Git workflow
  3. Get to know WebOps by reading through our online documentation

Set up your local environment

Before we begin, ensure you have a local stack capable of running Drupal. Technology stacks such as MAMP, WAMP, and XAMPP all work.

Our recommended local development setup uses either Mac OS or a Linux-based operating system using PHP 7.3.

Important tools


Composer is a package manager for PHP dependencies. We use Composer to manage Drupal core and contributed modules so that we can specify specific versions across all environments.


Drush stands for Drupal Shell and is a command line tool that allows for a series of useful commands. This document relies on the use of drush which comes with the Composer based Drupal project.


Git is a version control system that stores snapshots (changes) of code throughout its lifecycle. We use it to manage and deploy code across environments. Git is useful for management of features through branches. It serves as the single source of truth for project functionality, composer files, theme files, and configuration. Be sure to never put sensitive data into a git repository. Things like settings files, environment variables, passwords, and keys should not be included in a git repo.

This document assumes basic understanding of Git and Git principles such as staging, committing, pushing, pulling, creating pull requests, creating branches and so on.

Learn more about Git at

Set up and connect to a site

Generate SSH key

Open your terminal and generate a key

 > ssh-keygen

This command works on Linux, MacOS, and Windows 10.

Leave the default location of ~/.ssh/id_rsa. If the command says the key already exists, you can either overwrite it or continue onto the next step with that existing key.

Once the files are created, copy the contents of ~/.ssh/ to your clipboard. This is your public key.

Add your SSH public key to WebOps

Log into the WebOps Dashboard and upload your SSH public key.

Connect to the repository

From your terminal:

 > git clone

Initial Drupal install and commit

Run the composer script from the drupal-composer project and rename mysite where applicable.

 > composer create-project drupal/recommended-project mysite 

Change directories to the mysite folder

 > cd mysite

Edit the composer.json file and update the Drupal core version to the version of the site you want it to be. For a new site, this can be left as the default latest stable core version.

In your terminal, run composer install in the root of your project

 > composer install

Create your database and create a config folder at the root of the web directory.

Download the database

Navigate to the Backups page for an environment on your new site. WebOps takes regular backups automatically, and you can also create them yourself. Whenever you create a backup, WebOps makes a copy of your site's database. Once a backup is created you can download the attached database.

  1. Click "Add backup", then choose whether to backup just the database, or the database and any media files added to the site as content. A new backup listing will appear in list on the page.
  2. Click the new backup listing to view more details. Once the backup has been completed, you'll see a download link at the top of the page, where you can find options to download the database or media files.